This job requires me to be on call 24/7/ you can understand structuring a solid training regime is tricky.
So for now, until I'm done trainee probation and hold down a solid schedule, I'm keeping it SIMPLE.
I lift 3 days a week and condition 2-3 days. And if I get a bonus day, that's gravy!
My simple workouts are really structured around a Wendler/ Bill Starr/ Rip program.
- I squat every workout (2 sessions are sub max with a heavy one at the end of the week)
- I make sure there is a squat, a push, and a pull to make up each workout.
- workouts go from a 5RM, 3RM, 1 RM from weeks 1-3 respectively with a deload in week 4.
- Conditioning is kept between a hard 8-15 minute blitzes
Squat 185x,225x5,275x5
3 RM Deadlift 135x5,185x5,225x5,275x3,315x3,345x3,385x3,405x3,415x3. Stopped there and was satisfied but back felt tight.
Weighted Dips 3x8 w/ 45
That's it. Out in 40 mins. On the dips and squats I keep the rests low but on the focus/heavy movement (deadlifts in this case) I rest 3-4 minutes as it gets closer to that 3 RM.
Like I said before, it's simple. But it keeps me active, it keeps me moving a barbell.
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