Saturday, 23 June 2012

Whatever Daniel Day-Lewis touches turns gold

While running sprints the other day I came across a song on my iPod that brought back great memories. It is a slower song, but it makes my heart rate rise, my blood boil, it really feels like I'm going into battle.

A little background.

My favorite movie of all time would have to be Last of the Mohicans. If you haven't seen it, do reading and go.

The song Promentory, based off the famous gaelic tune "The Gael", is one of those movie themes you don't forget.
Before Lacrosse games I would watch the final 15 minutes and get ready for battle. It was a huge ritual of mine amongst drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee.
When I went down to college in North Carolina, my fellow teammates shared the same ritual with me. The best part is that we were walked out by bagpipes every game and more often then not we got them to play this:

It still jacks me up to this day.

I'll do you a favor boys, watch this 8 min clip and then go have the best workout of you lives after. you can thank me later.

I'm know I'm a geek for posting this....but everyone has to get their motivation from somewhere. 

Stay strong my friends!

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